Weight Loss Surgery is Most Effective for Blood Pressure Control, Study Suggests

A recent study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that people who have obesity often struggle with high blood pressure. However, those who undergo weight loss surgery, called bariatric surgery, tend to have better results in lowering their blood pressure compared to those who only rely on medication.”

Dr. Alexander Abkin, a bariatric surgeon based in New Jersey, explains, “Bariatric surgery treats the root cause of high blood pressure rather than just widening the blood vessels like medications do.”

The study involved 100 participants, mostly women, who had a high body mass index (BMI) and were already on medication for high blood pressure. Five years later, nearly half of those who had bariatric surgery were able to control their blood pressure without medication, while only 2% of those on medication alone achieved the same result. Additionally, those who underwent surgery had a significantly lower BMI compared to those on medication alone.

Dr. Abkin emphasizes, “Bariatric surgery has long-lasting effects, offering more benefits in the long run compared to other surgical procedures, including reducing the risk of cancer, heart problems, and hypertension.”

While weight loss surgery can be effective in reducing high blood pressure, it’s crucial to combine it with lifestyle changes for long-term benefits.

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