As Zepbound Shortage Grows, Eli Lilly Says No Immediate End Is In Sight

As the demand for weight loss medications surges, the availability of Zepbound, manufactured by Eli Lilly, faces significant shortages, with no immediate solution in sight. The FDA approved Zepbound in November, offering a new option for weight loss alongside Novo Nordisk’s Wegovy. However, despite earlier assurances from Lilly’s CEO, Dave Ricks, shortages have become widespread just months after approval. Read more

Why Bariatric Surgery May Be Better Than Wegovy and Zepbound

Within the rise in popularity of weight loss medications like Zepbound and Wegovy is a less-noticed phenomenon: Some patients don’t lose much weight on them. Read more

Understanding Gastric Bypass: A Key to Diabetes Remission

New research sheds light on the effectiveness of gastric bypass surgery in maintaining remission of type 2 diabetes, even if patients regain weight over time. Dr. Alexander Abkin, a leading bariatric surgeon in New Jersey, helps break down the findings for us. Read more

Why Mindful Eating is Better than Dieting

Snack fever sets in — do you succumb, or shake it off?

For those who can’t seem to quit noshing on junk, experts say they have just the thing to break the cycle — a practice known as mindful eating. Read more

Weight Loss Surgery is Most Effective for Blood Pressure Control, Study Suggests

A recent study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that people who have obesity often struggle with high blood pressure. However, those who undergo weight loss surgery, called bariatric surgery, tend to have better results in lowering their blood pressure compared to those who only rely on medication.” Read more

Exploring the Cognitive Impact of Bariatric Surgery: A Glimpse into Improved Executive Function

Bariatric surgery has long been recognized as an effective intervention for sustained weight loss and improved metabolic health. Beyond its physical benefits, recent research delves into the potential cognitive effects of bariatric procedures. A recent study aimed to unravel the connection between bariatric surgery and cognitive outcomes, shedding light on whether this transformative surgery may influence cognitive decline in individuals with obesity. Read more

Bariatric Surgery: A Safer and More Effective Path to Sustained Weight Loss

In recent years, the rising popularity of semaglutide has become a cause for concern, with poison control centers reporting a staggering increase in calls related to this drug. The surge, amounting to over 1,500% since 2019, has predominantly been attributed to dosage errors, leading to a nightmare scenario for both patients and healthcare providers. Read more

Study Finds Lower Risk for Hematologic Cancer in Woman After Bariatric Surgery

A recent study published in Lancet Healthy Longevity suggests that bariatric surgery, a weight loss procedure, is linked to a lower risk of blood cancer, particularly in women. The research, involving over 2,000 individuals who underwent surgery and a similar group who did not, revealed a significant reduction in the incidence and mortality of blood cancers among those who had bariatric surgery. Notably, the benefit was more pronounced in women, especially those with high blood sugar levels at the beginning of the study. Read more

Non-Surgical Weight Loss

How Much Weight Will You Regain After You Stop Injecting Weight-Loss Drugs?

A recent study on the effects of stopping tirzepatide (Monjauro / Zepbound), reveals that individuals who stopped tirzepatide experienced substantial weight regain (approximately 14%), highlighting the challenges associated with relying on such medications for long-term results.

Dr. Alexander Abkin, a leading bariatric surgeon in New Jersey, emphasizes the limitations of injectable weight-loss drugs as a sustainable solution for severe obesity.

“In my professional opinion, the study reinforces the importance of lifestyle modifications and more permanent weight loss solutions”, says Dr. Abkin. He advocates for treatments that extend beyond short-term interventions like weight loss injections, emphasizing the need for comprehensive lifestyle changes, including healthier eating habits and regular physical activity, with bariatric surgery , such as sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass, as a more effective and enduring option for sustained weight loss.

While injectable drugs like tirzepatide may offer initial weight loss, these medications are not a magic solution for the management of severe obesity. Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight requires a fundamental shift in lifestyle.

Dr. Abkin echoes the sentiments of other physicians in the field, emphasizing that there is no “miracle drug” and that long-term success lies in lifestyle modification. He reinforces the idea that injectables can be considered as supportive elements but should not replace the fundamental changes needed for lasting weight management. This perspective aligns with the belief that bariatric surgery addresses the root causes of obesity, providing patients with a transformative and enduring solution compared to the uncertainties associated with injectable weight-loss drugs.

Advanced Laparoscopic Surgeons of Morris offers a comprehensive weight loss program for patients with severe obesity, including patient education, dietary counseling, surgical weight loss and long-term follow up care designed to keep patients on track with their weight loss goals.  Contact us today to learn more.

Question 4 – How quickly can I expect to start losing weight?

In this 10 part series, New Jersey bariatric surgeon Dr. Alexander Abkin discusses 10 questions commonly asked by patients who are considering weight loss surgery.

Question 4 – How quickly can I expect to start losing weight? Read more