How can you escape type 2 diabetes?
I recently reviewed the new website, created by American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS), called It provides amazing, powerful information and tools for people suffering from diabetes and obesity, to make scientifically sound decisions about their health and choices, such as Bariatric surgery, gastric sleeve, gastric bypass or medically managing the disease.
You can login, input your data, your medical issues, medications and it will tell you what your risks are for complications with or without surgery, how surgery can definitely reduce complications from diabetes and prolong your life.
It is VERY POWERFUL and compelling and I hope that those of you, who are reading this post, and pondering gastric sleeve or gastric bypass, will be able to move forward with surgery, knowing that it can SAVE YOUR LIFE.
Please click the link below for the website.
Dr. Alexander Abkin, MD, FACS, FASMBS.